You may want to start declutter your things right now, but you don't know where to starts.

Last year, when I first knew about minimalism and decluttering, the first thing that I got rid of was my clothes. It was so easy for me to declutter my clothes because I don't really have too much stuff and before, I always make groups of my clothes which are group of daily or usually use items and group of I don't really want to use it soon. At the end, the last group is always being the one which I never wore and ended up in donation box.

This year, I declutter my sentimental items. This was huge for me because I have a lot of sentimental items such as my old toys, old notes, girl items, old books and digital memories. It took me 1 day to declutter my toys and girl items, 1 day for books and another 1 day to declutter my digital memories. It's really different rather when I declutter my clothes because I just need around 1 hour to finish it.

I realize it was easy for me to get rid of my clothes at the first place because I'm not too attached to those items. I'm not a person who likes to buy clothes every time, I just buy it once or twice a year and only 1 or 2 pieces. That's why I don't have many clothing items and I'm relieved about it now.

Yes, I'm too attached to my sentimental items because they have lot of memory in it. Next time, I will tell you how I can finally let them go.

In my opinion, when it's your first time to declutter, choose a part that you are not too attached to because it's easier to let them go. It may your books that you haven't read for years, or your make-up tools that you didn't use for few months or already expired. Well, it may vary for every person. Remember, you don't need rush. Good luck!

The dreamer.

2 komentar

  1. Betul, sentimental items itu paling sulit untuk dibereskan. Buatku sentimental items itu adalah buku-buku tertentu, surat atau kartu ucapan dari sahabat/keluarga, beberapa barang anakku waktu bayi termasuk beberapa prakarya pertama dia yang kondisinya sebenernya udah layak buang namun akunya menye-menye karena itu hasil pertama dari tangan dia 😂

    1. Ah pasti berat banget kalau sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan anak! Aku bisa kebayang sih soalnya kartu ucapan ulang tahun yang nggak jelas aja pernah aku simpan 😆
      Mungkin prakarya anak cici bisa di-digitalize aja? Biar lebih awet dan nggak kemakan usia. Kalau bentuk fisik gitu kan lama-lama bisa pudar. Semoga berkenan 🙏


Words of The Dreamer. Theme by STS.
My Melody Is Cute